Important Features in the Best Debt Elimination Software Programs
As with researching anything online, when you’re looking for the right debt elimination software, filtering through all the noise can be tough. To keep things simple, the subsections below contain key features to look out for that’ll maximize your chances of success.
Ideally, the program you choose should have all four.
Complete Snapshot of your Finances
One of the main reasons paying off debt on your own is so challenging is because everything you need to manage is so spread out.
Your checking and savings accounts are in one place, and your investment portfolio is in another. Your car loan is over here, but your student loans are over there. To get the full scoop on your finances, you need to log into four or five different websites simultaneously.
At best, it’s tedious. At worst, it’s overwhelming.
But the right debt elimination software will bring every piece of your financial puzzle together—income, debts, expenses, investments, assets, etc.—giving you a clear picture of where you stand.
Personalized Based on Your Financial Landscape
Some debt elimination software programs are only built to use specific debt reduction strategies—like the snowball or avalanche methods previously mentioned—regardless of your financial situation. But one-size-fits-all solutions are incredibly risky for getting rid of debt, as everyone’s circumstances differ.
The best software analyzes your unique financial landscape and, using advanced mathematical processes, tailors your debt reduction plan to you and your budget, giving you the biggest bang for your buck on each payment.
Automatic Adjustments as Your Financial Situation Changes
As your income, expenses, and spending habits change, your debt elimination software should be able to “reroute” on the fly, dynamically updating as you go to ensure you’re on the fastest path to your debt-free destination.
Life happens, and things can change on a dime. Accidents, illnesses, promotions, big purchases—these factors impact your ability to pay off debt, and the best programs take them into account and automatically adjust to keep you on track.
Progress You Can See
Unfortunately, getting rid of debt doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that can take years, even decades to complete.
That’s why it’s so crucial for debt elimination software programs to show you how far you’ve come. This can mean showing you the dollar amount of debt you’ve paid off, calculating your “debt-free date” to give you a concrete idea of where the finish line is, etc.
Like watching your weight on the scale go down, this clear representation of progress is a potent source of motivation and encouragement to see your journey through to the end.